News nigeria

The NEXT EDITION newspaper is published by the Next Edition Business Development Limited, a first-rate media organization based in Lagos, and totally committed to the pursuit of truth and the ideals of responsible journalism. We respect the essence of humanity and abhor everything that diminishes the sanctity of human life, his fundamental rights, peaceful co-existence and the legitimate pursuit of happiness in a free society. We believe strongly in innovation and entrepreneurship and support noble initiatives by public and private entities.

As proprietors of the newspaper, we strongly believe that a strong, free and vibrant press are necessary for national cohesion, social stability and development and above all a well-informed, educated and entertained society. We also believe that the press foster participation, accountability, transparency, consensus-building, responsiveness, equity and respect for the rule of law, which are the ingredients of good governance.

While launching into the market as an online newspaper, we intend to grow into a full scale multimedia platform, offering quality content and products to stimulate the young and middleclass elite to positive action and celebrate well-meaning achievements.

Our target is to become one of the most respected and read online newspapers in Nigeria within the shortest possible time.

In the daily discharge of our sacred responsibility, we shall be fair to all concerned and will strive to give voice to the voiceless and support causes that promote peace, the nation nigeria newspaper unity and good neighbourliness.


To be Nigeria’s most authoritative, reliable and friendly media organisation.


At The NEXT EDITION, we shall deliver quality content that would inform, educate, entertain and inspire the people

We shall assemble the finest, creative and responsible workforce to deliver breaking news, painstaking investigations, objective analysis, commentaries and special reports.

In our avowed commitment to build bonds of unity and understanding among the people, we shall criticize wrongdoings with candour and be magnanimous in praise of great achievements.

We shall explore available multimedia options to make our platform lively, engaging and interactive.

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